@leon_novacki shared this in another thread, I'm still making my way through it but felt perfect to share here.
Personally, I'm a big fan of getting votes from customers wallets prior to building out a product. I think users will pre-pay if the product solves a problem for them.
If users won't pre-pay, maybe not worth investing the time into a product.
(Imho, bigger companies are seeing this and doing this by 'launching' stuff on kickstarter, rather than internally funding haha)
Welcome to PH btw!
@leon_novacki oooh thank you so much for this, going to read this. @esus Thanks for sharing, and also thanks for the warm welcome! Interesting perspective re pre-paying, this definitely does suss out the market to see if there is potential.
I've also worked on a few Kickstarter projects and feel the market is not broad enough on there and hence whether we are getting an accurate reading on market potential or not? In saying that though I've worked more on the physical products rather than software products!
Hi super nice to see new users here! I created my account less than 1 month ago and now already doing my first-ever PH launch. So I know what it is like in the beginning!
I'd encourage you to engage as much as you have time. Then, you find people with whom your energy matches - stick with them while also expanding your PH network here! :)
And last but not least, try to have fun and learn during the journey. It's good to take launch seriously if you gonna make one but not to put too much pressure there. E.g., I will not lose my sleep during launch day's night because we're launching :) <3
Btw, I'd be glad if you checked Boxio's teaser for the upcoming launch and get notified (link in profile).
and if you need any help, feel free to reach out more!
@juliasuontama Awww thanks, Julia! This is super sweet and it definitely feels really daunting right now. Looking forward to finding people who vibe with me and will check your product out also :) Best of luck with your launch!
Exchange with as many people as possible. Product Hunt is full of talented and amazing people, plus the community is very helpful so make sure to interact as much as possible. :)
Lots of people giving advice on meeting and engaging with people so I'll pitch a different one - watch product marketing videos and content from successful products and jot down which parts were great!