Ajinkya Bhat | Notion X Startups

Notion just launched database automations yesterday!

How are you using them? I was a beta tester and made a short interactive course! Would love feedback! https://ajinkyabhat.gumroad.com/l/databaseauto And I just launched a template with these automations built in! https://www.producthunt.com/posts/contentos-with-notion-ai

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Will check it out!
Ajinkya Bhat | Notion X Startups
@andriyuh It's a cool feature! Limited use cases right now, but Notion said they will add more! Already having fun with it in my systems :)
Jianbo Liu
i also is trying to check the details you did more and more better but some of my 强迫症maybe make sence some of it but everythings fine thanks if anywrong not by myselfs problem i could be tell you !