Rich Watson

NVSTly has been nominated for Benzinga FinTech Awards. Vote it for the People's Choice Award!

This year NVSTly: Social Investing has been nominated in multiple categories for the Benzinga FinTech Awards 2024! We're super stoked about this, and there is 1 category we can leverage where winning is up to us, our members, user base, and entire community- as well you PH makers/hunters by simply voting NVSTly: Social Investing for the Peoples Choice Award! I'd like to kindly ask you to help us bring home this award by simply voting. Voting can happen each day as it resets daily, but I don't expect anyone to remember voting daily- but your first (or only) vote will certainly help. You all have been a great help in our previous launches, and it would damn cool if you all took just 1-2 minutes in voting for us. HOW TO VOTE: 1. Visit our dedicated voting link: NVSTly Benzinga Voting, which will redirect you to the Benzinga FinTech Awards voting site. 2.Enter your email and verify it to complete the sign-up process. 3. Find "NVSTly: Social Investing" and click on the Vote button. 4. Make sure to vote daily! Each day, clicking the vote button will increase our count by +1. If it doesn’t, you might be on the wrong page or the day’s voting may not have reset yet. Use this direct link to ensure you’re on the right page: Vote for NVSTly.

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JJ Wils
You got my support Rich! Just voted, will keep the tab open so I remember tomorrow to vote again.
take my vote too