Marie-Philippe Leblanc

Product video!

Hey everyone! I'm at the stage of building Fleso's ( Product Video in preparation for the launch. I've been looking at a couple of videos done by startups that launched recently and I've been seeing quite a few that look/feel exactly the same. I'd like to do something that stands out (don't we all) ! I like these two that I found: - Velt: ( - Second: ( Let me know what you think! Do you have a favorite video presentation of a product? Do you have something that you think is essential?

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My vote for Velt :) introducing your tool with more content within is way better. It provides a piece of real UX and UI on the contrary of synthetic images or videos. Also, when Velt starts with old memes, I first thought that “Ok, that’s cringe, not good”, but it also preserved my attention and kept me watching to see what is coming.
you are right to want to stand out. If you want something unique, you can check Marc Lou's launch product videos, they are quite unique. (not to copy, but you see he has a system and a tone that matches who he is) . I've made "classic" product videos , funny videos, really depends on how you want to position yourself and what you want to convey and who your target is. But in every case, focus on what you bring to the table for the viewer