Naime Yel

Remote or Hybrid work models. Which one?


When evaluating remote or hybrid work models in your company, what factors do you consider? What steps do you take in the process of formulating and implementing your remote work policy?

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Julia Engelsmann
Personally I prefer Hybrid, but sometimes it's very useful being completely remote!
Jose Garrido
Do you guys at your company just upvote your discussions and comments like crazy? All of you have like 9 upvotes each with no replies
Choosing between remote and hybrid work models depends largely on the nature of the job and the company culture. Hybrid models offer the best of both worlds, balancing office collaboration with the flexibility of working from home.
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
I think the office line item isn't what we'd like to incur but it helps collaboration to be in person for sure.
Tiep Vu
My team is fully onsite now. But we may aim for hybrid in the future. Hybrid is more flexible than onsite. Hybrid is more structured than remote. The key thing is how to keep people accountable.
Oleg Poltava
More hybrid, easier to concentrate on work tasks)
Karen Swyszcz
I personally prefer remote. I'm an introvert and a lot of in-person interaction can be overwhelming for me. I also feel I am much more productive when I work from home.