Am I the only one that thinks YouTube needs a 'put on repeat' feature? Do you understand my question? Or does it have? Have you ever thought of this too? What's your take on this? Would love to hear your opinions.
yes i got a study music playlist i listen to that isn't super long and wish it wud just repeat again and again without me having to X out of work for 5 seconds.
Personally, I use other platforms to listen to music and only check Youtube for certain videos or music videos that aren't in other platform. But yeah, the repeat button is a really nice feature, just "loop" and listen to your favorite song.
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3 out of 4 times when I'm on YouTube, I do wish there was a repeat button. Can you guess why I'm putting out this post right now? It's simply because I've just played a favourite song of mine while I'm doing something else. But now, the song has stopped and I just gotta replay it myself. No. I just want to leave the song on repeat as I'd do on a music player.