Anoir Houmou

Share a goal you've achieved during 2022! 🎉

A goal of mine this year was to start meditating on a more regular basis, and although it hasn't become a habit yet, I have managed to make it a priority and try to be consistent with it 🧘 Share any goal(s) you've achieved in 2022, it can be personal, work-related, big or small!

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Nikolas Dimitroulakis
i want to be more consistent with meditating as well, good one @anoirhoumou Mine: 1. Read more books - dedicate time every day in that - partially achieved. 2. Run a half marathon - achieved - next goal for 2023 is the full marathon 3. launch a product on PH 4. Start writing lessons - achieved. 5. Travel, spend more time with loved ones - also partially achieved.
Anoir Houmou
@nikolas_dimitroulakis congrats on all the goals you've achieved so far, they seem really good for you! A goal of mine is to also launch on PH, good luck to both of us! 💪
Nikolas Dimitroulakis
@anoirhoumou plenty of good resources and nice posts to learn from, around PH launches. Just make sure you plan some time for this. Our product in #2 currently, ApyHub. Feel free to have a look and support if you want :)
Anoir Houmou
@nikolas_dimitroulakis yes I already saw and supported it, looks like a game changer, congrats once again! We're planning on launching RECRD in the next couple of months, feel free to also checkout our upcoming page here and support it here:
Anastasiia Zvenigorodskaia
This year was really crazy for me but I achived several important goals. I have merried =) I change my job and now I love that so so much I had good position and increase my salary I improved my English level I started my own online course hmmm, a lot of things done! But I still have some tasks in my toDo list like driving license and some document issues =(
Sanat Mohanty
Quitting my full time job !
Alessandra Mikail
Read more - not accomplished 😅 Get my 10K steps in - has become a daily habit Join the PH community - loving every second of it
Anoir Houmou
@alessmkl making time to read can be a bit of a challenge for me too, and I agree, I'm also enjoying interacting with other hunters here and finding new products!
Benjamin Wu
Mine: 1. Finish a book a month since may 2022. 2. Lost 5kg in 2 months. 3. Launch a Product in PH. 4. Launch a kickstarter campaign in Nov. 5. Consistent in my 4km run. 6. Getting up at 6am and exercise for 2hrs before my day starts.
Anoir Houmou
@benwu185 incredible, I really admire the dedication and congrats on all your achievements! Feel free to share your upcoming goals too