Speaking of domains, get one! This is your brand hub, make it memorable.
1. Even if you don’t have a website yet, buy a domain that is your name or social handle. There are a lot of creative ways you can use this without a website (more on that later). @Namecheap, @GoDaddy etc.
2. Try your absolute best to make your social handles the same across the social you want to use in a professional setting. If your name isn’t available try adding your profession or something unique/identifiable about you (@elaineinthebay @selftaughtstph @BrettFromDJ etc!)
3. Create a mini “brand kit” for yourself. First, visuals. Choose a font you’d like to use in your portfolio, social banners, resume, etc. Google Fonts have a lot of free ones to pick from! You can also get free font pairings on http://fontpair.io for a header & body..
4. Then, colors. You can generate color palettes from one color you like (and find different hues of it) in places like Canva, http://Coolors.co, Colormind and Adobe. Generally, select one “main” color, 2 accent colors (one light one dark) and a neutral (black+white or almost)
5. Next for your mini brand kit is your core values. Write down 4 core values you exemplify in work, life and your interactions with others online. What do you want to be know for or remembered by? These are a BIG part of your personal brand, even more than visuals. This is YOU!
6. Now that you have your brand kit, let’s get consistent. Create cover photos/banners in your new colors & font! Resources like Canva make this VERY easy with templates. You can also create your own in Figma, just google the dimensions for each channel.
7. Use a consistent profile photo across social, so people you meet in one place can identify you easily elsewhere
8. Use your new domain. Don’t have a website? THAT'S FINE! My go-to is to always suggest making a contact sheet with a summary and links to your work on @Notion. Next challenge level, you could consider creating a portfolio site using @webflow,@wix or @squarespace
- Bonus non-website things you can use the domain for? Redirect to a chatbot! @VoiceflowHQ even has a “resume assistant” template so you can make your portfolio WAY more personalized - using your own voice!
9. Ready to start using your brand? No, not with content. It’s time to start building individual connections. Add people in your field and personalize the invite! Message them when they accept and start a conversation.
10. You’re in with the network 1-on-1, now it’s time to start networking (and learning) by joining events, meetups and communities.
Reply with how many of these you’ve checked off ✅
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