Ceylan Ersoy

Start your work day earlier to finish earlier, or start later and finish later?

Which one sounds more ideal, 8-4 work day or 10-6 work day?

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I personally would say starting earlier and ending earlier. I feel like this allows a better time frame for work-life balance.
Ritik Singh Panwar
Good Questions! It really depends on your personal preferences and situation. If you're a morning person, starting your workday earlier might make you feel more productive and give you more time to hang out with friends and family in the evenings. But if you're a night owl, starting later and working into the night could work better for you, especially if you have other things to take care of in the mornings. Working later in the day could also be good if you need to collaborate with colleagues in different time zones. Ultimately, you should think about your own needs, like how much work you have to do and when you feel most alert and energized. That way, you can figure out the best schedule that works for you. I am a late-nighter personally, but I take proper sleep to be productive, so I wake up late. I also work with a PST timezone-based company, and I work from the IST timezone then its another factor as well.
Blossom Tracy
Getting an early start does more than increase your productivity at work, it also helps you to avoid having to stay late to finish a project or meet a deadline. world of mario