Carter Michael

Stripe Alternatives? Unethical dispute fees


A lot of us have to use Stripe as it's the only option/integration with some tools we use for our products. However, I am all ears for recommendations on an alternative. Just learned the hard way when someone wants a refund and doesn't want to, simply ask, they can just hit a fraudulent claim and it takes the money from your account plus an additional fee, in Canada that's $15. Even if you win the dispute with the payment processor (which I hear is rare even with substantial evidence), you will not get that refunded starting on June 1st. SO, definitely a negative part of shipping things. But if anyone has any Stripe alternatives that work well with Carrd/Tally etc. Please let me know.

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Sadly been hearing this more and more 😩
Carter Michael
@maxwellcdavis Me too. Heard it's next to impossible to dispute a false claim no matter how much evidence there is to support it. I have an email saying "I received the service" etc but we well wait and see.
Navin Peiris
Been hearing lots of good things about Lemon Squeezy and paddle, specially among the build in public community. Haven’t used either personally yet though.
The problem with Stripe is they are not a payment processor. They are a PAYFAC. That is a company with a master MID with sub users that is why they can do what ever they want. Square is the same STOP using Stripe and Square. You are losing 2% of your annual net revenue. We have a Interchange + $0.07 pricing