If you want to prevent your self from burnout from virtual meetings however during it or after it try to Practice Self-Care:
Incorporate regular self-care routines into your day, including exercise, relaxation techniques, and hobbies. These practices can help manage stress and prevent burnout.
And here'a a general tips from our team experience.
For you Prioritize Essential Meetings:
Evaluate the necessity of each meeting and attend only those that are crucial to your role. Decline or delegate meetings that may not directly contribute to your tasks or goals.
For team you can Encourage Video-Off Moments:
Allow participants to turn off their video cameras during portions of the meeting where visual presence is not crucial. This can reduce the feeling of being constantly watched and decrease the strain of maintaining a constant "on" appearance.
In Total you can Limit Meeting Duration:
Keep virtual meetings focused and concise. Whenever possible, aim for shorter meeting durations. Consider using techniques like the "stand-up" format, where participants are encouraged to give updates quickly and efficiently.
Also you can, Schedule Breaks:
Incorporate short breaks between back-to-back meetings. Use these breaks to stretch, relax your eyes, or take a short walk. Breaks can significantly reduce screen-related fatigue.
Go grab your favorite drink from the fridge right before the meeting. Every time things get overwhelmingly boring, take a sip.
Or during meetings, find a fidget to occupy your hands and that can make it more tolerable.
It's more a matter of working on oneself and integrating a company that values the same values as oneself.
A good walk in nature every day will be a great deal, and taking breaks is often more beneficial than you think.
Stop having them, lol.
No seriously, not all of them, but anyone who has worked in the corporate world knows that 70% of them are just meeting for the sake of having a meeting.
Go through your calendar and identify the ones you think are not adding any value for you or vice versa.
Send a polite email asking if there is anything else you can help with or if can you be removed from this meeting.
Other more robust tactics include, placeholder scheduling yourself. If you have a routine or things of higher priority schedule the task on your calendar as if it is a meeting. That way when you are busy that way you set the expectation you will not be available for a meeting at that time.
My morning routine consisted of determining what the most important tasks and priorities were that day and building a plan of attack.
This approach is what set the stage for my entire day so it was the cornerstone to my start of the day. So what I did was schedule a repeating daily meeting from 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM so that usually only in rare one-off circumstances someone would reach out and ask if I could jump on quickly.
Hope that helps!
Sorry that this might sound like a shameless plug, but it's honestly true; my go-to is to use my own product. 15 minutes of journaling with Unstuck, and I feel the stress of it all decrease.
The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
Transcript LOL
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