It certainly can! AI-driven videos, online learning and a lot more!
The role of technology in our daily lives is growing exponentially and the pandemic has taught all of us the importance of the same.
@vidisha_joshi@ashwin_madhavan What do you guys think about this?
@sunita_negandhi Absolutely!
As @shreya_negandhi has pointed out, the pandemic was a testament to the role tech can play in the education sector! Even before the pandemic, technology was a part of the education system. Be it through PowerPoint presentations or sharing reading and/or reference material online, the integration of tech has made the process of learning more easier and fun!
Technology in education has accelerated student learning. It will help generate innovative, fun learning ways for students! We have just started....Long way to go for the education sector.
Lockdown is a very big example of how technology helped students while they are locked in their homes. Only because of the technology, students still studying during lockdown because of the gadgets and apps like zoom classes. I am a also student, I never faced problems attending classes. I just only face problems in writing my essay assignments. But after finding the legal review on google search, my assignment problems are also solved. Because I can take help from their professional essay writer when it is about to submit assignments to my mentor.