Vitor Seabra

Time is coming... How to deal with anxiety?


Hey PH folks, how's it going? I have to be honest, I've been dedicating myself for months to this upcoming launch, and right now, my most important request for advice is on the emotional side. For those who have been through it or are experiencing the same anxiety level as I am... how do you deal with it? Many thoughts are running through my head right now, like: "What if it doesn't work? What else do I have to do?" The thing is, I'm getting more nervous as the day approaches, and I need to control myself, otherwise, I'm going to go crazy. A different kind of launch tip... but what do you think? And by the way, my teaser is still running. Feel free to follow us:

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André J
I would add a section: here is the top 3 most popular flows our users use. And also maybe some pre-made. Like the automater app in macOS, comes with lots of pre-made flows.
Ghost Kitty
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Pablo Roig
Thinking we are going to die even we are worried, so why worrying about?
I guess meditation is the best therapy.
Oleksandr Zhabin
Anxiety arises from the mental flow in which we spin possible negative scenarios in the future. This can be managed by taking control of your mind and focusing on the present moment. It's not easy, but it is possible. Before my launch, I was also a bit nervous. I needed self-awareness to notice that I was once again spinning negative scenarios in my head. Then, if these thoughts were about something I could do, it was necessary to do it and calm down. If it was beyond my control, similar to the Stoics, I needed the strength to accept possible negative outcomes. In this case, worrying changes nothing and can only negatively impact health. If dealing with it mentally doesn't work, you can try meditation, breathing techniques, physical exercise, or listening to calming music.
Gurkaran Singh
Hey there! Launch jitters are like debugging code - a bit nerve-wracking but necessary for a smooth release. Remember, it's all part of the startup rollercoaster ride!
I have face the same question,but , just go ahead and do it~
Ella Reid
Se acerca la hora... ¿Cómo afrontar la ansiedad? La ansiedad puede ser abrumadora, pero hay formas eficaces de controlarla. Empiece con ejercicios de respiración profunda y meditación de atención plena para ayudar a calmar su mente. La actividad física regular y una dieta saludable también desempeñan un papel crucial en la reducción de los síntomas de ansiedad. Además, explorar remedios naturales como el CBD puede ser beneficioso. Muchas personas han encontrado alivio incorporando el CBD a su rutina. Si estás considerando esta opción, es posible que desees buscar dónde puedes cbd comprar para asegurarte de que estás obteniendo un producto de calidad. Recuerde, encontrar el enfoque correcto puede llevar tiempo, pero con persistencia, puede encontrar lo que funciona mejor para usted.