Swapratim Roy

Today I reached 10k followers in Linkedin - AMA


After almost a journey of 2.6 years (haters can say it may take less time), I reached 10k follower milestone in Linkedin. It was an organic growth journey with ups and downs. If you're looking to grow your Linkedin audience - ask me anything!

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Congratulations šŸ„³
Adam Lui
How come your posts get so little engagement (1-10 thumbs / 10000 < 0.001% rate), did you buy them or F4F or what's the story
Swapratim Roy
@adamlui I never buy them. I post on a very specific topic - Augmented Reality. Itā€™s not as entertaining like life changing hacks - so the engagement is low sometimes (2 weeks back one post got 68,000 views in 2 days). But it variesā€¦
Adam Lui
@swapratim_roy but the question remains, where did the followers come from if they're not interested in your niche?
Swapratim Roy
@adamlui During initial period (when nobody knows you), I used to send invite to people. A lot of them joined but not all engaging all through the time. It's a mixture of fans and potential customers (since my focus is on B2B). Eventually with more growth, right kind of people joined me. Anyway, the views falls between 2.5-6k per day which is OK I think.
Adam Lui
@swapratim_roy wait you say "fans" but of what? Surely not your content since you said it's wrong niche, so what is the B2B content they are "fans" of? Or you're suggesting them simply accepting your initiated invite to be a mutual connection somehow makes them your fan, because they counted as a "follower" too? (I'm just trying to figure out what your followers are)
Adam Lui
@swapratim_roy views without engagement is not "OK" btw it means you don't have fans, so people looking from the outside think your followers are fake (i.e. "vanity metric")
Congratulations šŸŽ‰
Swapratim Roy
@olena_bomko Aspiringly impressive. You're a star in LI world. I'm glad to be connected. Keep rocking.
Congrats! Great Job!
Great job! Do you find LN lucrative for your business endeavours?
Swapratim Roy
@andriyuh Thank you. I was less of a Twitter person before I dived in LI and wanted to go deep down in one space than get spreaded shallow everywhere. Yes, lot many interesting people reach me out on daily basis. My ebook gets sold mostly via LI.
Ivan Dudin
10K in 2 and a half years is outstanding! Didn't manage to become 10001 subscribers, well, I'll become 10014 =)
Swapratim Roy
@myprlab Thanks a lot and I'm so happy to be connected to you. I'm happy that I could manage to cross the threshold.
Ruvim Rubish
Developer X
Congratulation. What is your conditions/filters to accept connection requests? and then do you remove someone from connection and why?
Swapratim Roy
@newyork As I started as a nobody, I wasn't a picky eater honestly. I accept all invites (of course I check their profiles and if smells fishy reject it). To grow network, I also send invites to people who engages with my posts on a regular basis. At the end of the day, network is the net worth. Sometimes few salsy people try to message me almost daily pressing to take their offers (completely unrlated) - I have blocked few of them filter the inbox noise.
The Product Dose
Congratulations on reaching such a significant milestone! Your journey to 10k followers on LinkedIn sounds both impressive and insightful. Given your experience, I'd love to hear your top tips for building a strong and engaged community around a LinkedIn account. How do you consistently provide value to your audience and keep them engaged over time? Looking forward to your insights!
Swapratim Roy
@theproductdose Thanks a lot and yes, of course let me share my story (or strategy). My initial goal was to spread awareness about my startup (www.marvinxr.com). So I funneled down my focus to tech ->AR ->Web based AR ->its potential and how brands can leverage to grow business. As it's a new thing with very less people involved around - first few months were tough. My practice to write blogs and articles (+reading) gave me some regular ideas to write. With time, a small cohort started growing. For last 18 months, I'm posting twice daily in LI - buffer is a great tool to schedule it. I'm repurposing contents every 6 months - so that new connections can peek into them. Don't expect massive hits everyday. I got a 68k impression with 580+ likes on one post and the next day's post barely crossed 5k. LI does not work like Twitter virality. Less engagement in general but meaningful, less hatred. Prepare to get some bash from people from time to time for no reason. But don't let them stop you. Your contents will help them one day. Finally I promote my fellow creators in this space by talking, sharing their work - leveraging their network, appearing in podcasts and adding resourceful comments to their work. I know the write up has grown much - but that's it mostly :-) Good luck and all the very best.
Erik Tan
Amazing achievement! Congrats!