Sharath Kuruganty

Today is #InternationalPodcastDay! What are your fav podcasts?

Bonus points if you explain why!

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Daniel Canton
20VC, great place to know what's going on in the startup world
Youness Asserare
lex fridman podcast is fun and full of knowledge and interesting disscusions. the JRE podcast. ofc tigerbelly podcast is super fun
Solomon Bush
@younessasserare I love all these. I know JRE gets a lot of weird heat. But he definitely gets the best guests. I would also add Tim Dillon. His podcasts are hilarious.
Sometimes I am listening "The Ikons"
Damilola Ajiboye
HIBT - How I Built This by Guy Raz 🔥
Peter Nguy
@damilolaa - absolutely my number 1 podcast!! So good and always gets me motivated and hustling again!
Alexey Shashkov
@5harath Sharath, my favorite podcast is «The SaaS Podcast» with Omer Khan because it's about SaaS startups, and I'm passionate about SaaS=)
Spencer Wise
1. My First Million episode #98 with Ryan Begelman 2. Reply All episode #158 "The Case of the Missing Hit" 3. My First Million episode #87 with Greg Isenberg 4. How to Take Over the World episodes on the Rothschilds 6. The one recorded with my parents capturing their story together (link:
BrainTools - super fun podcast with practical tools for your brain 🧠 We even used some of the tools for our PH launch that is happening now - you can see Sam from BrainTools in the video ;)
Max Russell
Currently into Ladybug Podcast, and a little TigerBelly
Lior Galante Cohen (Vaza)
WorkLife with Adam Grant! I am a big Adam Grant fan, and I believe it's a great podcast for those who seek both professional and personal growth. It's also amazing how even the commercials are tailored to what the episode is about!
Kate Makulova
A bit of Optimism with Simon Sinek 💯
Hands down My First Million where @sam_parr1 and @shaanvp just shoot the shit on anything entrepreneurship + sometimes do interviews Very close second place to How To Take Over the World where @benwilson dives into the biographies of some of the world's most influential individuals. Why? they both help me learn how the great of the past and of the present think
Sharath Kuruganty
There are many podcasts I love that changed the way I think and act. One particular one is Shane Parrish's episode with Naval - The Angel Philosopher. That episode has so much knowledge, especially when Naval talks about specific knowledge, building leverage, and non-judgemental awareness. I still find something new every time I listen to it 💯
Jason Cavness
Lex Fridman and Joe Rogan are great. I also listen to Marketing School with Neil Patel and Eric Sui. Also Business Infrastructure Podcast with Alicia Butler Pierre. Then mine, The Jason Cavness Experience.
Werner Le Roux
Joe Rogan Pidcast
Making Sense with Sam Harris + Tim Ferriss + Lex Fridman + Jocko Podcast + Fall of Civilizations + The James Altucher Show + Insight at the Edge + The Jordan B. Peterson podcast + The Michael Shermer podcast + The Drive (Peter Attia)
Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford I believe we should learn from our mistakes and those of others and Tim's breakdown on some of the worlds greatest mistakes and how they could have been avoided offer big lessons to me as I carry forward
Hamed Baatour
Nathan Latka's podcast is just 🔥 The SaaS metrics shared there (ARR, Churn, CAC...) are extremely valuable. Honestly, one of the few podcasts with zero fluff. Always straight to the point! no long intros! no BS!
Rohan Shetty
Finshots, a short and an informative podcast on Finance, Tech and Startups, etc.
valley luxury-events
i like it
valley luxury-events
ya i like it