I don’t work much over the weekend, if I am doing anything it is usually smaller less fun jobs I have been looking forward to.
Make sure to take time off from your company, both for personal reasons, but also because this is when great ideas usually happen.
@richard_gao2 That is the most annoying thing :)I always seem to have technical ideas when I am away from a computer for an extended period of time so I cant test them out :)
Have to work during the weekend!
My 9-5 just takes too much time during the week, and it's only possible for me to properly create during the weekend.
How is it for you?
More generally speaking- when working on your own projects, it feels like "weekend" doesn't mean much- at least for me- it's just a matter of how much and when you want to work on it.
@sandradjajic Good luck with your launch,I wish you all the best! I've actually seen Klu at the pitch deck of one of your competitors recently. I'll be there to upvote on a Tuesday.
I'll be working this weekend, actually. I've got a product launch coming up next week and I've got a lot to get done. How about you, what are your plans?