
What are the best tools for end-to-end analytics?

Hey hunters! The data about users, sales, marketing campaigns and so on is collected in different places (Facebook Suite, Google Analytics and others). It is important to have one place where all the statistics could be collected and vizualized. What tools do you use to collect and analyze the statistics?

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Fabian Maume
Google Data Studio might what you are looking for. You can easily push data from various sources there.
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Tony Yan
You can try tools such as Fivetran and Airbyte to integrate your data to snowflake and then use some BI tools to do. Segment(segment.io) should also support integrating data from different data sources. We are building a spreadsheet-like tool that can integrate with data sources and do self-service data analysis.
Twinkle Barot
Tableau is great for visualization and reporting. It's interactive, easy to use and capable of handling extremely large data sets. You can also easily integrate Google Analytics, Segment (great to collect user data from your website, app, etc.) and many other sources with Tableau.
I think ahrefs is a good tool
Junior Owolabi
Fullstory, hands down, it also works with Sentry, So you can monitor the client browser, frontend and backend server events