Editing my latest podcast episode on Neuroscience and how it's applied in the marketing field, brushing up my next blogpost on Hemp and of course more camper work (shower and roofing)..oh and work ^^
@maxwellcdavis oh thank you man, I appreciate it ! The show is called Clarity with Teekay podcast. The full episode on Neuromarketing will air tomorrow but I've already shared a couple of teasers, here's a link to the latest one :)
Many goals and responsibilities this week. However, one of my top priorities is to finally take a final exam of a SQL course I took some time ago. I've been putting it off for a while, so I hope I can finally get my certificate this week! :)
@maxwellcdavis The first one - social media statistics and analysis. Gonna look for trends and make recommendations. Regarding web traffic, using Google Analytics mostly, I will take a look on the last 30 days and analyze visitors' behaviour on our website :)
Super busy this week, will be doing -
1. a major feature release
2. app usage data collection for the last 1 month, analyzing them, and coming up with some actionable & feasible insights to improve the overall product experience
2. launching some product tours
3. sprint planning with the dev team for the next 1 month priorities
4. some technical fixes for our website
5. an email campaign to existing users
6. 2 google ad campaigns
7. sync with the marketing team on positioning
Get push notifications done.
start on feature that allows users to share their content instantaneously
when publishing
implement crypto trades on frontend
My goals are to grow my business website and hopefully I'll start building a SaaS product this week. Curious to know- what are your goals for this week?
@maxwellcdavis Yes.. for the time being, I just review the indie products for free on medium.. but I have some plans to convert it into a platform where people can discover more apps by peer network .. take a look https://appbaskets.com/
Honestly, going to sleep at 11 pm the latest, getting 8h of sleep a night and starting every day with some form of workout (gym, run or cycle) as this is the only way I can manage the workload at the moment. So I'd rather focus on things that make me feel better (hence, more productive for the rest of the day).
We are working for our product hunt launch on 7 September for nektar.ai
A lot happening. Thrilled and nervous!
Good luck to everyone working on their weekly goals!
intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
Slogan Generator
NVSTly: Social Investing
Angle Audio
Stack Reviews