I'm not a copywriting or creative writing guru, just a guy who tries to get better at writing. Because it's the default tool to communicate with my (remote) team.
Here are 7 tips to help you make writing your best instrument, and I'd love to hear from yours.
#1 - Be your own audience
If it's interesting for you, it'll be interesting for them.
#2 - Idioms make people go bananas
We're all remote now, we're located around the world. Not everyone commands the English language like native speakers do. Throwing idioms out from your toolbox will make you more relatable and easier to understand to everyone.
#3 - It's you, not me
A good "you" will send a little alert in the reader's mind that they need to pay attention. And in writing, your one and only job is to move those eyes to the next line, one micro-moment at a time.
#4 - Actively delete adverbs
Adverbs are empty, kill the -ly. Instead, use a more in-depth description of what you’re trying to say.
#5 - Get it on the page, don't get it right
First, empty your mind about the topic you'd like to write about. Don't pay attention to form, syntax, or audience. Just get it out, no need to worry about getting it right.
#6 - Edit with a sword
The real process of writing is in the editing. And when in doubt over a certain word or passage, chop it from the text.
#7 - Read it loud
This is the magic sauce to good writing. Because your ear will pick up things that your eyes cannot.