It depends a lot on the service/product you offer in my opinion.
In our case from our first 10 customers we learnt that:
- what for us would require a lot of improvement for customers can instead already be perceived as perfect;
- you have to support them well in their first use;
- offering a great support service is the key to retaining them even if the service is still in a beta version;
- even things you think are intuitive and simple at the UI/UX level may not be perceived that way.
@taylora_com did you make 1:1 product demo with the first customers? asking because I agree with you on UI/UX level - it must be super customer orientated.
@tina_sisman yes, we have always pushed to talk to all our users through demos and interviews. We continue to do this today because we think it is really the only way to build a valuable product.
@taylora_com I resonate with what you wrote above. Have a question - you have to support them well in their first use - do you actually stay with them on the call or more like a chat?
@viorica_vanica To allow people to become familiar with the service, our approach has always been to do a demo. Then let the users do these steps themselves without our support and finally schedule a second call in which they can see the final output and make any suggestions for improving what they have done.
The first 10 clients taught me that you may not even know where your customers and your market are.
You can fail for months with one audience, and then get a ton of clients in another niche in a couple of days.
After onboarding our first 10 users on our code generation tool for developers, we’ve gained invaluable insights into what truly matters. Here are our top takeaways:
1 - Users must experience a tangible benefit within the first few minutes or hours
2 - Early users don’t need a complex product. They need a clear solution to their problem
3 - Whether it’s onboarding or documentation, customers skim for quick answers
4 - The faster you act on feedback, ship improvements, and iterate, the more trust you build with customers.
Hope it helps! ;)