@gary_zurnamer1 As a one person content marketing team, I'd say...
1. Scale. Having endless ideas and knowing their potential, but also knowing that you can only do so much. This makes prioritisation absolutely essential.
2. Organisation. I've never found an all-in-one content calendar/ scheduling tool that really hits the mark, so organising lots of different content streams can be tricky. The PH community keeps telling me to check out Notion though so I really must do that!
@gary_zurnamer1@lauren_thomas4 Thanks for the insights! I totally agree with both of your points.
I always hear Notion as well, but haven't tried yet. Besides, you can check our new product Oppflow for all-in-one content marketing management! Soon will be launching on PH.
Communication! I can't emphasize enough how important it is to have constant communication between all team members, even if it's communicating the smallest of things!
Posting after the deadline, due to other content clashes.
So, I need a warning shown on the screen whenever my new posts clashes with the old plan. This should apply to the whole team.
@karthik_tatikonda I agree. There should be a flawless workflow & editorial calender. I recommend Oppflow to overcome these problems to coordinate all your content team efficiently!
Scaling our content output - we serve a horizontal market so it creates a huge demand on our content calendar and output. We need to serve content right through funnel to different audience segments and it's a huge job to plan, manage, execute and review performance - particularly when we need to include a range or formats (statics, video - we're a video platform so it's a must-have for us!)
@liz_obee I couldn't agree more! It's crucial to determine your content volume accordingly. I think tools are great chances to manage your production process. Oppflow will soon provide all from producing to analyzing! I recommend you to follow us! :)