Layoffs are an unfortunate reality of the modern workplace globally leaving a negative impact. The attitude of survivors are negatively affected by layoffs which create more stress, workload, less morale, commitment and trust in management. Although, management can avoid these negative effects by clearly explaining and informing employees of their motivations to downsize.
I've been on the receiving end of layoffs, and I have to say: it's not the easiest thing to experience. It can be challenging if you're the person who has to lay people off.
But in the long run, layoffs are a necessary evil. When companies have too many employees and don't know how to get rid of them, they'll sometimes resort to layoffs as a last resort. The problem is that when your company has to go through layoffs, it means less money for you as an employee—which means less money for your company overall.
Unfortunately, this happens sometimes, but I'm glad we're living in a time when it's becoming less common.
Layoffs can be handled well by the companies if they wish to do so. I have seen this happening around me where startups without any notice period laying off employees like they are cutting off limbs, now they are bleeding as well, It creates a negative environment and also hurts the company's reputation. These are tough times!
One thing I want to say about these lay off for those talented guys 👦 that they were never made for those organizations. It’s organizational structure how they can figure out everyone from such situations.
Also on the other hand, I also think
That founder’s are very disappointed after taking such decision.
I saw one of my founder was very disappointed when He was having a lot faith and energy to become a successful billionaire to failure, how he is very keen towards the employee.
For these layoffs, I would say someone will Be better than one they were in before
Someone’s problem will go very high side.
It's a hard decision to every company, but a necessary action to keep survived this days.
I know it sounds very cruel to employees, however work smartly always leaves a trail to keep you winning in the workplace. So, there is no need to panic too much, as long as you focus on improving your skills.
Gold always shines!
Layoffs are always painful for both employee & employer its the curse of situation when a company layoff a brilliant resource to move things forward you have to inhale these!
Layoffs mean that people are about to lose their current jobs. This is a very unfortunate thing. Due to the impact of the pandemic, small and medium-sized enterprises can only lay off employees in order to protect themselves. In the end, it is people who suffer. At present, the unemployment rate in the United States continues to soar. Many people They are unable to pay their daily bills and can only live on meager subsidies from the government.
I think layoffs are an unfortunate consequence of recession, poor resource management, and redundancy after M&A. Most of it can be avoided if the company plans their recruitment and retention of their human resource.
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