Hey hunters!
Hope you have a productive beginning of the week!
I'm currently looking for a new book to read. I am a beginner in marketing. And I want to read a book about some basics of marketing.
What book would you recommend?
@meadow_simmons Hahahah Fundamentals of Marketing by Philip Kotler was my course book in MBA, I got A grade. BTW it is a good book for learning basics of Marketing, good recommendation!
@tariq_waseem1 oh, cool! I'm learning marketing by myself, because my University program doesn't connected with Marketing directly. I would be happy if you can recommend me more academic Marketing books, that you had on your course :)
@meadow_simmons Marketing was my passion. After completing my MBA with Marketing majors, I wanted to purse my career in Marketing, but unfortunately I could not find job in Marketing, now after ten years I switched my job in Digital Marketing, now I want to explore Marketing and Digital Marketing together, connect to me on LinkedIn(https://www.linkedin.com/in/tari...) if we could learn Marketing together.
Hi Daria.
Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing, and Advertising by Ryan Holiday has been huge for me.
There are so many great books out there but I would just say this : be careful not to fall in the marketing trap.
Every business, every product has its very own reality. What works for one might not work for you.
I would say learn the basics, but don't be afraid to bring your critical thinking and ditch some theories!
Here's one that no one will tell you — Influence by Rob Cialdini. If you know how to convince people to do things you want them to do, you can market anything to them. Everything else is a medium but learning and mastering persuasion are first principles.
I am a consumer behaviour researcher focusing on decision-making and rationality about purchase decisions.
What you should read first is a time management book. Why? Because if you don`t set your goals right and spend time on something, that doesn`t demand it, your efficiency sucks. Moreover, as a manager with experience, I can say you won`t have any free time until you understand how to set your goals and how to understand what you should and what you shouldn`t!
Can I recommend podcasts as well? I feel its more relevant today and useful - if so,
Lochead on Marketing, marketing over coffee, and marketing school are my top 3.
It is your choice from the following 25 Best Marketing Books for Beginners. You can Google the search query below with a click on the Bitly link. It leads you to a Google Featured Snippet with 25 Best Marketing Books for Beginners. https://bit.ly/3CdS5c1
I do not think you will regret choosing #16 and Don’t be turned away by Seth Godin's title! One of the most powerful voices in marketing today, Seth Godin’s "All Marketers are Liars" says that three questions will tell you everything you need to know about a business: what’s your story, will the people who need to hear this story believe it, and is it true?
This book breaks down the way that marketing really works and focuses on leveraging authenticity for results.
Thisapp: Your Calendars Future.
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