I prefer online shopping because it is more convenient and has a wider selection of products. I can shop from the comfort of my own home and compare prices from different retailers. I can also read reviews of products before I buy them. Additionally, I can return items that I don't like or that don't fit without having to go back to the store.
However, there are some drawbacks to online shopping. I can't try on clothes or shoes before I buy them, and I have to wait for the items to be delivered. Additionally, I have to be careful about scams and counterfeit products. https://fashionsecrecy.com/best-...
In almost all cases, it's online shopping that makes everything easy and can give you access to any product around the world, and at better prices. For example, I now often use the taobao item viewer to view and order items from the taobao website in a few clicks. On rare occasions, I still go to local stores