Casually messing around with it, asking for fiction-writing prompts, like outlining a novel's theme/plot by examining two old Mark Twain novels and requesting the AI to supply a mashup in a modern vein.
@tombentleynow Ya it is pretty good with fiction. I asked it to create a script of movie similar to pulp fiction with a bollywood actor, the result was believable.
Pretty much everything nowadays as an assistant
- content production and editorial stuff
- planing and organization
- brainstorming, conceptualizing and ideation
- coding
@singh_ankur it's quite good actually. However there is still need for continues supervision and constant hammering. It's important to know it's limits and constraint; it's a good assistant not the best author!
@flipchat well IMHO they address two different problems. Depending on your coding level, stack overflow particularly is surely better for beginners and intermediate levels; you can learn a lot by reading discussions around a coding problem and being exposed to different solutions. While ChatGPT or any LLM should be more used as a automation tools that ease the job for advanced coders that understand the logics but just don't want to spend (waste?) much time writing a routine and logic.
It's the same for reading GitHub issues threads.
A buddy and I (@zenghoulim) decided to leverage on the OpenAI language models to build a slack bot that helps users find and recall important conversations within Slack by providing summaries of channel conversations and answering questions about past conversations. š¤ pre-launch page here ( š¤ P.S. you can already install and use the bot for free in beta on our live website. (
Using it these days as a brainstorming buddy for content and start-up ideas. Usually find that front-loading it with information before starting a conversation - leads to some pretty cool results!
@aaron_jacksonyy Chatgpt is a conversational chatbot by OpenAI with ability to answer questions in a way human would. It can write code, suggest things to do, write a script or suggest a business idea and more.
I have used it for writing parts of blogs, social media copy, and certain marketing frameworks. In my opinion, the generated content comes a bit much verbose. One has to do a lot of prompt experimentation to get the desired output. Good tool but a lot of personal touchups required.
Getting the first draft for copywriting (blogposts, social media posts) and getting ideas. Sometimes I just ask, "give me some ideas about this topic".
I think it's an amazing starting point for all things marketing!
@sandra_figueiredo Thank you for giving me this idea, next time we need idea generation and when I draft blogposts, I'll definitely begin using this technique.
Funny thing you mentioned ChatGPT... LongShot is launching its version, which generates fresh and relevant user-sourced content with citations... yep! Fresh as a daisy.
The Chat GPT has been answering my emails lately!!
But I used it also for brainstorming and inspiration on different ideas.
For example, "how can I name an early adopters program for a brand doing xxxx winning access to free features at the cost of having regular feedback?"
I've been getting great ideas and suggestions!<
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Flamme AI - The Couples App
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