We all know that building products that solve real problems and finding product-market fit isn't the easiest thing in the world.
In society we live in there are countless problems people face everyday and we have the power and knowledge to solve them.
With that being said, me and my team are solving the problem of procrastination for freelancers, digital nomads and people working from home in all fields.
Many people may not realize but procrastination is actually a huge problem in the modern society. Distractions are everywhere and our focus is very limited.
To show you how big of a problem it really is, here are 2 facts that scientists discovered about procrastination:
- procrastination costs the US economy $70 billion each year
- average adult spends 218 minutes per day procrastinating
As we can see procrastination is a huge problem, not just for companies but for individuals too; it can increase stress, lead to heart disease, it can also make you sick and make you not a trustworthy person.
Soo, with our product kickmyass.io we decided to tackle this problem head on and help people in the best way we know how; through software.
STAY TUNED! We will be launching this friday!