George Kalandadze

What is one product you would love to see launched?


I am a big hiker and anybody who hikes will understand me. There is no good hiking app on the market. The most popular AllTrails is just bad. If somebody can come up with a better version of that it would be amazing.

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Geri Máté
Why not build it? :D
George Kalandadze
@geri_mate not passionate enough about it, I would love to be a user but not the builder. I only build things that really get me going.
Bizzllet and it launched today!
Igor Lysenko
Which closed human problems.
Jonas Schaller
Arc for windows, because i am to poor for a macbook
Gaurav Gaur
Would love to see what we are building :) Check list{a}, using which you can search for professionals, anywhere if he/she exists on the internet! No browser extension or scraping agent is required. Love to hear your thoughts.