I'd say.. when to release to public.. then once done, how do you get traction.. but not too much traction that you're overwhelmed and can't support your customers - but just enough to keep moving forward unscathed by bug reports that undoubtedly will come your way!
@vlchris Thank you Chris! Yes I agree with you, the last 'step' seems to be the hardest unfortunately aha. Especially understanding when to release is really hard for me: I feel like the product is never ready 🥲
@bakemono That's because we know everything that's not polished. There's always work to be done.. so we feel it's never finished. What happens when a user discovers something that was overlooked? We're terrified someone will find an imperfection. It's hard for sure!
@bakemono You'll never stop worrying.. Just don't let the worrying impede your flow. Accept it will happen, and just let people know it's still in development and thanks for their valuable feedback and you will address it ASAP. Throw some notices in the footer "This is being actively developed - if you see something that doesn't look quite right let us know (and link to some sort of feedback system.. even if it's github discussions)... Happy to review whatever you have when you release it and give feedback!
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