Alexander Ptitsyn

What is your favorite artificial intelligence tool?

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I also like ChatGPT, and maybe MiDjourney
Alexander Ptitsyn
In my opinion ChatGPT is one of the best. What about yours?
ChatGPT and YourGPT chatbot
Bishal Paul
To be honest, many products and tools are on the market now. I personally explored many useful tools, and now it's hard to rate or give a particular tool. But tools like OpenAI's GPT-3 and Microsoft's Azure Cognitive Services are good. Which offers powerful AI capabilities for natural language processing, image recognition, and other tasks.
Mary Ford
I enjoy ChatGPT as well, and perhaps MiDjourney.
Ujjwal Singh Baghel
ChatGPT (GPT-4). You can literally do anything with it. It's just most of the other tools are just a wrapper of its API. So, it depends how well you can make use of it or let someone else make it better for you and you pay them for it! ;)
Jovana Djekovic
ChatGPT forever :) and Luminar
Of course it is ChatGPT and midjourney
Eliza Crescini
ChatGPT+DALL-E 3 & Bard. The best!
ChatGPT, copilot for visual studio code and Midjourney
John Reed
Earlier today, I was thinking there had to be a more efficient way to write emails. Has anyone here used AI to help streamline the writing process when it comes to emails?
Wesley Greer
@john_reed10 I definitely have! Even though AI is somewhat frowned upon, that hasn’t stopped me from using it to my advantage.
John Reed
@wesley_greer I’m with you on that one. Which AI tool do you think is best for crafting custom emails and responses?