@devendra_singh_shekhawat have you ever tried to convert the recordings into the gif?
If yes, how was the quality ?
I am looking out to for a tool that would not compress the video quality to a higher extent when converted to a gif.
If you know of any tool that helps in the same, please do let me know.
I prefer recording with Camtasia as I also use that for video editing! Looking at Gif's we also struggle to make them a smaller size - a few tips we use: First, compress the mp4 using a tool like HandBrake, then use EZgif to optimize. The quality does decrease a bit but right now that is our best solution! I'll watch this page to see if anyone else has suggestions!
I suppose it depends on what you want to achieve with the screen recorder.
Personally, I like Loom . It creates a link to share your video right after. I've created tutorials for clients on how to do certain tasks and send them the video via email or text.
Give it a try, and see if it fits your needs.
TextGPT - Smarter Text Input by OpenAI
Vmaker for Windows