Oooo this is a good question, one, which I don't have a perfect answer to, so here are my two cents:
To convert free to paid, we've started doing two things:
1) Answering the question "if our product did not exist, would company A who is using it currently be in trouble"? This is a very hard question to answer, but it encourages us to keep improving our core set of features.
2) Asking ourselves - Who is the real buyer? From a sales perspective, this is very important. It's essential to distinguish between who the real buyer of a product is (one who signs the check/approves the expense) vs who is actually using it. If your buyer is your user, then great! If not, I think it's important to ask -> how can I help my user convince my buyer to buy the product? How can you help them justify this expense to their boss?
Good luck! Crafttor looks really neat!
Also here's us in case you're looking for a customer journey analytics platform.
@monil_shah2 thanks for the answer. We have both paid/free users & they are using our product effectively. We also send emails to the users understand their requirements.
I know it's not an inspiring or out-of-the-box answer, but—weighting out which features should be available in the free version as opposed to the paid one (and in what measure) is important.
Other than that, I think that social proof of achievements reached with your premium features can be a good motivator.