Sidra Arif

What's a skill you wish you could master?


I’ve always wished to master the skill of cooking epicure meals. Being able to cook flavorsome and appetizing dishes would be a fantastic skill to have.

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Clayton Walker
Playing the piano. I grew up playing the cello, and it is nearly engrained in my brain to not spread my fingers apart to reach all the notes on both hands. I can dabble on a few other stringed instruments, but I find the piano to be so challenging. Maybe one day I’ll have the time to sit down and actually learn. Great question!
Julia Watson
Playing snooker like Judd Trump
Milli Sen
Building and deploying products that are definite to make 6-7 figures.
Ashley from Shadow
I wish I could master the skills everyone said above me AND also the art of cooking!
KC Onrade
Learning a new language and crafting :))
Hitha Boorla
Launching soon!
Reading people. It's not exactly anything performative but I think if you could master that, being extremely socially aware and understand people, you can apply it anywhere you want. There are levels to this ofcourse, you've got your personal circle, then you've got communities. Once you've got this skill you can use it everywhere, you can write for your audience, market for you consumers, design a better product, really anything.