Emeka Onu

What’s your #1 tip for starting a business?


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Nuno Reis
Start a business to solve a Problem, not to build an Idea!
Max Holub
@nuno_ms_reis so true! you should tailor your business to a problem, not try and create one to make your business work
Deivid Colkevicius
Talk less and listen more.
Sandra Djajic
Be open to things not going the way you planned them to. Be open to swtiching strategy and market if needed so. :)
Nilan Saha
Be prepared to go through hell. I think with the easier fundraising environments in the past years some people think starting and running a business successfully is easy. Its not. Everyday there is a new fire which you have to take care off and make progress.
Madeleine Nichols
get started
Christian Canlubo 🚀
Market/Customer first
Magic Mike Paine
Define the problem that you are solving, and understand the audience you are solving it for. The audience is the key.
Luis Gustavo
Think on 3 things: 1. Solve a problem 2. Make money with the solution 3. Create a scalable system for the solution. Each time that I start again, I'm only thinking on this 🙂
Shohanur Rahman
My #1 tip for starting a business would be to thoroughly research and understand your target market and competitors. This includes identifying the specific needs and preferences of your potential customers, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors, and identifying gaps in the market that your business can fill.
Mohcine Heddi
Take it easy and make sure to validate the theoretical hypothesis by talking with your future customers :)
Paul VanZandt
You can't just start with your own idea - you need to do a ton of customer validation before building.
blessing clothes
For me its competitor and geography.
Neha Khan
To never give up and never lose your confidence.
Lokesh Joshi
The first tip to start a business is to identify a problem or a need in the market that you can solve with your product or service.
Ashlyn Bambina
You should have a strong work ethic, wanna be resilient, and be willing to adapt to changes will definitely help you to navigate the challenges of starting a business.
Zee A
Build something you will actually enjoy waking up to do
Well, to be honest, it's hard to give just one piece of advice on starting a business, because it's a complicated process and there are a lot of nuances. Well, probably the main advice is not to stop halfway. And in general, you need to study your market, study potential customers, competitors, trends, and opportunities. This will help you decide on the direction of your business and develop a strategy. You need to write a business plan to go step by step toward your goal. You need to find different tools to help you run your business, and these tools depend on your business, for example in some cases you will need a Linux operating system for your business, you can find out more here https://www.codeitbro.com/5-best-linux-control-panel-for-large-businesses/ , and in some situations, you will need something else. All in all, the most important thing is to be prepared for the challenges of starting a business - it's difficult and takes effort. Be prepared for the challenges and don't give up at the first setback
Mehdi Rifai
1 - Be a genuine disciplined hard worker 2 - Identify a major need 3 - Get a customer list 4 - Engage with the list to verify that the need is real 5 - Build the product 6 - Make sure the product experience and the customer success is top notch
Max Holub
have an idea that actually been validated sure, you can always pivot and stuff but having a steady strategy and understanding works better
Done is better than perfect