The freedom from taps on the shoulders, though there can still be tons of that with sensitive managers through slack, I've been lucky enough to get away from that and set boundaries.
Another being able to get out of the office. Walking away from your desk is a whole lot easier as a remote worker than it is working from an office building. The only time you really leave an office building is for lunch and that's if you didn't pack one for the day to work on your lunch break.
Lastly, it's my productivity. It's a double edged sword, but I've been able to manage how much work I do and set reminders to take breaks. Not that I didn't deserve breaks before working remotely, but as I've become way more productive and focused I've been able to take way more mental breaks and separate my life and job.
Bonus: remote work has definitely opened the door to the world of freelancing, at least for me.
Give me leverage to do stuff that we love after or with work! 💚 Like playing out favorite music, playing with my pets, teasing my wife, and then jumping on back again.
It is peaceful, productive, and sustainable! ✅🙂
Que el trabajo se desarrolla, con mucho menos estrés que se vive en una convulsionada ciudad como Bogotá, cuando se omiten los desplazamientos, el tiempo se optimiza y puede uno avanzar un poca más rápido en los objetivos propuestos día a día. Y lo mejor las reuniones teams (por ejemplo) son mucho más sucintas y con menos pérdida de tiempo, al calor de una ropa cómoda y la compañía de la familia y la mascota .
I love being able to work from my deck. Even when I worked in an office, I would always try to find somewhere I could work outside from time to time. Now I can do it whenever I want! Definitely helps with overall mood and stress levels :)
Hard to summarise it to just one thing, but I guess I would say the overall SENSE OF FREEDOM that I feel because of it. Whether it´s related to time management, better work life balance, more energy for creative tasks, wider space to be myself and have contol over my working environment....
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