to be honest tired. Worked all weekend on our mvp and getting people to sign up for our wait list. We have a big pitch to NYU this week. So working on that as well.
@jasoncavness How are you getting people to signup for your waitlist? What's the strategy? We are gathering our first users as well, so would love to hear how y'all are going about that.
@dillon_peterson It has been a slog. I think we have an advantage since we have a podcast and close to 30,000 follower/connection across various social media platforms. I am also heavily involved in the military entrepreneur space.
But at the end of the day it has just been asking people one by one.
Also, I am from your area in Texas.
@sarahsutherland4 In my teenage years and early working years I felt the same as well some days. As I'm doing what I love, then I look forward to Mondays now :) I especially love the busyness of Monday.
The mood is alright, it's a new week of productivity and a week closer to the launch of my product, which is exciting :) if only it was a bit less hot haha
Honestly, a bit slow. Really having a hard time to focus today even though there are many tasks at hand. Time to break it down into mini-steps for a motivating feeling of accomplishment. :)
Working away on our upcoming launch. Hey Guys i am the founder of WebsitesToolz we recently launched on PH. We just launched on AppSumo. Do check out our PH page for link to AppSumo.
Really inspired! I've started multiple avenues to provide value for others the past week and I'm slowly falling into a great, productive schedule. I'm hard at work building a social AR app, designing in my free time, creating Twitter threads offering startup lessons on Twitter, and just finding new ways to connect with people digitally. Summer is the best time to work hard 😃
#MatchingVoices Podcast - Season 1
Angle Audio
Neuton AutoML
Sai Kambampati