30 Min of morning breathing, brainstorming what I need to get done this week. Priorities first, then minute things after. Setting a plan and weekly goals; something to go off of, or have a motion in place.
Run, yoga, meditation with The New Headspace then plan the week by checking Todoist for planning tasks Fantastical 2 for Mac for checking calendar (and sorting out any blips) and Spark for Mac where I organise any action emails to hide from me and resend on the day I need to action them. I check FreeAgent for any invoices that need to go out that week and any late ones and check cashflow with Float. Then I feel pretty set for the week ahead.
I usually get up early when monday start to do work and missing weekends vibes. But, I started with the coffee and try to pray for everyone will have a good weekdays a head.
It's cliche, but up early. I grab an espresso, and either meditate in the word or workout. I believe in a concept called "bookends." In essence, bookends are moments of control in seemingly uncontrollable circumstances. Simple rhythms that travel with you wherever you are; a discipline that builds confidence, internal trust, and momentum.
If you start and end your day the same way—regardless of where you are, or what's going on around you—it's a subtle yet powerful reminder that you remain in control of a portion of your environment, which in turn reinforces your confidence that you actually have the power to keep pushing. Plus, a little bit of breath in the midst of professional chaos doesn't do any harm!
Something sweet for breakfast - like a giving to the brain to improve focus and productivity 😃. And scrum meetings with the team every Monday to get ready for the work week, to close the previous sprint and plan a new one.
My Monday ritual is that I will have a good exercise for about 1 hr then I'll start doing my work. This way, it makes my body more productive and releases negative vibes throughout my body.
N2D Method
Asking Franklin
Notion Training Center