I would start by thinking of some philanthropical reason behint it but I guess for each dreamer there is a personal view of how they can help the community somehow.
Gauge interest and feedback! plus you can see how your work helps others who need it the most :)
i made a free AI-spreadsheet tool and it's really helped out students in school with their data understanding!
There can be several motivations behind making free-to-use products such as frameworks, including:
1. Giving back to the community: Many developers and companies believe in contributing to the development community by releasing their work as open-source software.
2. Building a user base: By making a product available for free, the creators can attract a large user base and gain valuable feedback that can be used to improve the product.
3. Creating a standard: When a product is released as open source, the people who made it can make it a standard in the industry. This makes it more likely that other companies and developers will use it.
4. Generating revenue through other means: While the product itself may be free, the creators may generate revenue through other means, such as consulting, training, or support services.
5. Creating a more significant market: Making a product free allows creators to reach a wider audience, and by doing that, they may have a bigger market for their paid services and products.
6. Building reputation and brand awareness: Creating a popular open-source product can help boost the creators' and their companies' reputation and brand awareness.
Making a product free empower Makers to reach a more audience, and by doing that, they may have a bigger TAM
This requires bigger community building activities, long term win , look at what Mongodb or Altrics or atlassian has done , they have still made money at a longer run.
Now Posthog is trying the same
Flowity AI