Elizabeth Tishchenko

What tool do you use for a Public roadmap?

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Alex Kachalov
Hey there! Even though I don't use such services myself, when it comes to public roadmaps, there are several tools you can consider. Have you checked out Roadmunk? It's a popular choice among product managers for creating and sharing public roadmaps. Another option is ProdPad, which offers a range of product management features including public roadmaps. I'm curious, what specific features are you looking for in a public roadmap tool? Are there any unique requirements that the tool must meet for your team's needs?
Nick from FirstHR
You can try Miro with an open link.
Frank Sondors
The best one I think is canny.io (Has a freemium tier). Also integrates nicely with Intercom.
Mohammad Elzahaby
I simply write it down in a blog https://memoiri.app/roadmap, that is how i can control what is public and what is not
Mohammad Elzahaby
@nevemind_com exactly i was looking for something that could potentially combine my todolist with milestones i want to share Public but couldn’t find something. Ideally you could combine both
When it comes to managing a public roadmap, transparency and accessibility are key. Over the past few months, I've been exploring various tools to streamline this process, and one that has truly helps me is AiToolsKit.ai. Now, you might be wondering how this all-in-one platform for productive AI, SEO, writing, social media, and marketing tools is relevant to roadmaps. Well, it turns out that AiToolsKit.ai offers features that can be incredibly useful in this context. With its content creation and SEO optimization capabilities, you can craft compelling updates and announcements for your roadmap. Plus, its social media and marketing tools can help you effectively promote your roadmap to a wider audience, ensuring that your stakeholders stay informed and engaged. PH Link: https://bit.ly/ph-aitoolskit
Vikram Aditya
My choice is Productboard. Initially, it's a bit pricey, but it's built around product development workflows. Customers can recommend features too but the insider view where you can split an internal roadmap and prioritise it by various frameworks is brilliant!
Vikram Aditya
@nevemind_com I'm Happy to jam if you need help setting mechanisms. Plus they have a free-trial which is pretty great and they also do public webinars.
Jai from Worksaga
Checkout https://convas.io/ Using for Hansei.app
priyanka prasad
Hi .. We are at our early stages of our product that allows you to collect feedback via submitting new post & upvotes & in app surveys, publish public roadmaps and drive engagement via rewards as well https://productlogz.com You may check this out & share feedback if any?
Gloria G
Our choice is Trello. So far so good. Hope this helps!
Samuel Bodin
Github Project, e.g: https://github.com/orgs/specfy/p... Not the best looking but, at least it's close to the software, people can influence the roadmap with comment and +1 No need to pay for an additional tool
Samuel Bodin
@nevemind_com yes you need a GitHub account. Looking at everyone suggestion you might definitely find more feature complete option. I decided not to spread around, not to track user with a third party (GitHub do track to some extent but data is not their business model), and since my product is a technical one it fits the persona that will look at the roadmap. If your target is not developers I'm not sure it's the best.
Elif Duran
We love Gleap, it offers a lot of things including roadmap, support chat, and bug reporting.
Khairujjaman Shuvo
Mostly Trello. Also, on some projects I create e dedicated page on the website called "Roadmap" and update everything there.
Khairujjaman Shuvo
@nevemind_com My SAAS landing page is built on WordPress. On the main domain. So anyone can modify it easily. The app is on subdomain like this: app.domain .com
Won't Notion work? Just curious.
Tatiana Tompkins
Our team uses Miro as well!
Ana Andrade
There are a few good roadmap tools depending on your needs. For individual PM, slides, or miro may be good enough. But if you have to juggle competing goals, align multiple stakeholders, manage dependencies, track progress, manage feedback, and adjust product roadmaps, you'll need a Product Portfolio Management tool – In this case, you may want to check out Dragonboat - https://dragonboat.io/ Hope it helps!
Radhika Nyati
Try using Zeda.io - roadmaps are not just the way to strategise what you are going to build but also your never ending vision that your customers will find value from. Here is how we are helping: https://bit.ly/4bCA1aQ