Mohammad Shamsuddoha

What will be your last wish if you find that you are COVID positive?


This is a burning question right now rounding my brain. And it is killing me. What is your experience or idea about it?

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Tiyasa Das
My last wish will be I want to have most desirable cakes in the world.
Abdur Rahim
Very dangerous experience..I want to forget it.
Dagobert Renouf
So sorry to hear that Mohammad. I wish I spend time doing the things I love doing the most, so that I have as little regrets as possible. Also speak with the people who matter most to me.
Mohammad Shamsuddoha
@dagorenouf If I came to know that I am COVID positive, I will follow the doctor's instruction properly... nothing else.
Papiya Bhowmik
I wish everything need. There is so much to see and know in life. I don't want to die.
Ahmadullah Junaeid
I wish to live first. I will try for best treatment. Besides preparing for death Like Wish to god, I will like to share anything like related with others life.
Md jahid bhuiyan.
I will pass on all my movable and immovable things to my future generations
Sophia Jones
Very Dangerous experience
Sophia Jones
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Md Raisul Islam
Hopefully that's not happen! stay safe all.
Very shocked time in my life
Ankhi Majumdar
Now i am ok..really very bad experience for me.i want to forget it