That's what I have the greatest trouble with. Though it doesn't always work for me, I usually get up, grab a cup of coffee, and return to my job. Which strategies do you employ?
Task management helps me a lot with this, I grab something in my to-do list, move it to doing, and try focusing just on that. Needs to be something short and that can be completed in <2 hours though for it to really work. (large tasks just get me distracted again)
@mansi_trivedi1 3+ years writing on productivity and remote communication certainly helped :P.
On an important note though, as everyone I have my unproductive days too. Culture/team recommendation would be to not be too strict on specific working times and more on weekly output. That way if there is no productivity juice left you can take some steps away from work and recharge batteries doing something fun/relaxing.
Humans are not meant to maintain their attention for 8h straight. Maybe 30min-45min tops. A better strategy is to weave in other things into your day. Life / Work integration -> Life / work balance.
Practice Gratitude Take a moment to appreciate accomplishments or positive aspects of your work. Gratitude can shift focus from distractions to positive thoughts.
When I feel like this I try to do something easy that has some value. This gets me started and closer to a flow state where I can tackle more complex tasks. Everyone is different so try different strategies that everyone here is suggesting and see what works for you.
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