Who else applied for the W24 YC batch?


With the deadline coming up, what are some tips for a successful application? Our video went live last week: https://youtu.be/yRN48cjdYqQ?si=fPQBDwyE9eqdkXkU Would love to hear your thoughts šŸ¤”

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Ayoub Mouhachtt
With all actuality, I did not apply yet because I am launching my new CRM CJPath
Ayoub Mouhachtt
@hungryhelen It is a CRM made by salespeople for salespeople. It does help you increase you conversion rate to the possible max. You can give it a try, it is free.
Dr. Alaska
Cool video. Thumbs up! Just curious, you guys have 200 paying customers and you are applying to YC? ā“
Victoria Hill
Good luck to the best team ever!
Grace Gomez
High marks Just wondering why you guys are applying to YC when you have 200 paying clients.
@grace_gomez1 is that good or bad hahah I donā€™t get it?
Keyur Ahuja
The idea is good but YC doesn't want videos with pre planning in their application..they clearly mention it in their instructions for applying. They want you to speak naturally.
Sagar Patel
I did, although I donā€™t really have any traction at the moment. So my chances are not that high. šŸ˜…
Sagar Patel
@uxyemi thanks!! Yeah, the application deadline came just as I am about to launch so, Iā€™m hoping to gain a lot of traction in between this cycle and the next!
Amit Mirgal
I am going to apply; however, your video is clear, concise, and to the point. Best wishes to you and your team !!
Yemi Oyepeju
Thanks for sharing the video. I'm applying and will submit our application this week before the deadline. For anyone applying, I would recommend reading Paul Graham's guide (logic) on what makes a good application - https://www.ycombinator.com/howt...
Boudewijn Bos
No not ready yet - applied once before without success so down have any tips :( but we have launched our MVP today on PH - have a look if you have 2 minutes to spare
@boudewijn_bos nice launch! We applied twice before and I know some people who applied 7 times and got in
Boudewijn Bos
@timcha yeah the numbers are beyond for getting in - but then again it opens so many doors when done correctly!
I'm definitely putting in an application, need to work on it this week Anyone got and good resources for this from YC alumnii??
@william_mathews1 dm me on linkedin, can share insights, spoke to 7 alums and had my app reviewed by another 15.
David strc
Good luck to the best team ever!
Sean Ward
Anyone have an estimate (or know) the number of applicants and the acceptance rate for these batches?
@weansard 20,000 per batch, 40k per year. Around 250 companies per batch. Acceptance rate of around 1%. Itā€™s tough!
Sean Ward
@timcha Wow. Honestly surprised. I knew it was competitive but wasnt expecting 40k a year! All the more respect to those that get in.
Rami Borni
I'll do that next month, because I'm just going to launch my saas in the next week.
Artur Romanov
One can hope for the best! Itā€™s always tough to get it right, but having a product you believe in and being able to clearly communicate on what and why you are doing is a huge step forward.
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Launching soon!
Thank you for asking. I'm in the process of applying.
Emma Jon
I guess i am not ready yet.
Truly an excellent product! I've been following your incredible growth, and I wish you all the best. While reviewing your video, I noticed something interesting about your product. You mentioned selling your product to 200 people, but when I checked the website where your product is sold, I couldn't find any reviews. This raised some questions for me that I'd like to ask: Why aren't there any reviews on the website if you have 200 users? Are you also selling your product on other websites or through social media? Where can we verify the numbers and reviews? Are you promoting your product through social media as well?
@oliv3tr thanks a bunch Oliver! Youā€™re right, thatā€™s something that we forgot to include on our landing page, just been really busy building out the fully fledged investment platform. In the meantime you can check out our reviews on PH, thereā€™s over 120 of them. Weā€™re not selling out product anywhere else atm You can go and buy a lifetime pass if you like, we started off at 1000 and reviews are on PH Nope we havenā€™t started social media ads or proper promotion, as weā€™re busy building out the rest of the product suite. We will hype it up prior to re-launch.
Julien Ergan
Good luck to all the applicants!