Olatz Urrutia

Who will be launching their product in the next few weeks? Let's connect!!

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Shubham Pratap Singh
I am launching Safe Selection on 4th March. Safe Selection: A platform for the safety of women and travelers. It aims to make travel safer for everyone. Coming soon page: producthunt.com/products/safe-selection All support is much appreciated❤😊
Kate Santoro
@shubham_pratap That's a great product mission! I've followed/clicked Notify Me so I can check it out when you launch. 😊 As someone who is both a woman and frequent traveler this is an issue that's close to home for me.
Shubham Pratap Singh
Thank you @kate_santoro1 , it really means a lot to me. I will be happy to connect with you on LinkedIn too: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shub...
Olatz Urrutia
@shubham_pratap @kate_santoro1 100% agree with you Kate! Good luck on your launch Shubham, we'll be supporting you!
Kate Santoro
@shubham_pratap Added you on LinkedIn and will be supporting you on launch day! Good luck this week leading into it! :)
Carter Michael
@shubham_pratap This is an incredible idea/product. Looking forward to giving it an upvote and some engagement once it's live.
Olatz Urrutia
We will soon be launching our product on Product Hunt and I would love to talk to other Makers who will also be launching in the next few weeks. You can find me on my LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/olat... Ready to connect and chat :)
Kate Santoro
Moonio! But you already knew that 😉 Joining on to the convo to also discover which cool new products are launching soon. 😊
Catherine Norris
@kate_santoro1 Congrats! what day are you launching? Happy to support :)
Karan Jain
I just launched today, please support - https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Kate Santoro
@thediytrip Cool product idea! I've upvoted and left you a comment to ask a bit more about the product. 😊
Anastasia Reich
@thediytrip Congratulations! Happy to support:) I have so much travel plans, would love to test theDIYtrip!
Mark Glinnik
Sup Olatz! Landing and idea looks great, wish you good luck and all the best with it! We also plan to launch in the coming weeks with our product - WeGood, which is an anonymous platform for people who want to discuss their health problems and get professional opinions from doctors all over the world. https://wegood.life/ Will be glad to connect and chat. Feel free to take a look at what we do, we will be extremely happy :) Cheers everyone!
Olatz Urrutia
@mglinnik Super interesting and necessary!! When are you planning to launch it? Do you have the launching soon teaser or the link to follow you?
Mark Glinnik
@olatz_urrutia thank you for your interest! We fully support the idea of creating something that will really be useful and, to some extent, necessary for many people. We plan to launch in the next 2-3 weeks and proceed with the launching teaser in the coming week or so. Meanwhile, you can follow the updates on linkedin: https://linkedin.com/company/weg... and our website: wegood.life Let's be in touch :)
Merve Cankiz Coruh
Hello! We'll be launching Producter's Changelog Module in the upcoming weeks 🚀🚀 https://producter.co/product/cha... Good luck everyone!
Kate Santoro
@mervecankizcoruh feedback is a big thing at our company, and your product looks like a good potential solution for handling it! I'll be looking out for your launch :)
Merve Cankiz Coruh
@kate_santoro1 Exactly! We were also suffering from that and here we are :) Thank you! Good luck on your launch :)
George Apostolov
@mervecankizcoruh Producter looks great, you have a very good landing page and overall web application design. I'm developing a tool for creating product demos that could be valuable for displaying your beautiful dashboards. Specifically your "Hero" section in the landing page could have an interactive live demo from your product combined with the images that you already have.
Anastasia Reich
@mervecankizcoruh Wow! looks fantastic! We have many new features coming soon. Let's connect! We are LIVE tomorrow :)
Dzianis Pomazau
We are launching senseapp.ai tomorrow!
Kate Santoro
@pomazau Good luck!! :) Quick question - does Sense scan Slack for comments related to specific projects, etc?
Dzianis Pomazau
@kate_santoro1 yep, it looks through your Slack in terms of connect public discussions to your resources (e.g. to a Jira task or Google Doc). and it puts these resources under the projects they belong to. so yes, all is connected and on the project level you will also see what was recently discussed :)
Murali Gottumukkala
Hi, We are launching aasaan in the next few weeks, I would love to connect, talk and collab.
Kate Santoro
@murali_aasaan I'd love to connect too! Could you tell me a little about your product? :)
Catherine Norris
Collato! We'll be launching March 9 ✨ Collato is your team's new search engine. We save product managers hours a week by giving designers, engineers and other stakeholders instant access to relevant information from all of your tools. 🪐 https://collato.com/
Emily Matick
The AI Creator Hub! Also joining in the thread to meet with some felllow makers!
Olatz Urrutia
@emily_matick Followed! I'd appreciate if you do the same for me :) When are you planning to launch it?
Emily Matick
@olatz_urrutia We're gearing up to launch on March 9th, what about you guys?
Max Holub
we're launching UNIKA ( https://unika.network/main ) soon 💪 we're a decentralized anonymous multi-chain identity protocol for web3powered by biometrics. this means we can be integrated in any web3 solution to ensure anonymity for its users and, at the same time, eliminate such risks as sybil attacks and various types of frauds for the product. happy to support you all 💙 and will appreciate your support 😊
Olatz Urrutia
@maksim_holub1 Interesting! When are you launching? Please, share your coming soon teaser when you have it so that I can follow you :)
Emily Matick
@maksim_holub1 Happy to support. Should we connect so I don't miss your launch?
Max Holub
@emily_matick sure, let's connect! here's my Li : https://www.linkedin.com/in/maks...
Sandra Djajic
I am launching Klu by the end of the March :) Klu.so is a software to help you find and share digital information. We just launched public beta and we would appreciate your feedback: https://klu.so/ Lets connect and chat on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sand...
Ágh Helmut
I'm launching EmbedQuiz.com next week! 🚀
Olatz Urrutia
@aghhelmut When are you planning to launch it? Do you have the launching soon teaser or the link to follow you? Good luck on the launch :)
Ágh Helmut
@olatz_urrutia I'm planning to launch it in the middle of the next week. Currently I'm working on the copy and the design materials of the teaser. I'll share it here when it's ready!
Kacper Golinski
I'm planning to launch https://travelermap.net soon. I still don't know what I don't know about a successful launch 😀 A bit of research is ahead and learning of me. Good luck with your product!
Olatz Urrutia
@caspg_ When are you planning to launch it? Do you have the launching soon teaser or the link to follow you? I would recommend you to create a teaser even if it is a simple one to get visibility and also engage with the community. I hope this will help you :)
Kacper Golinski
@olatz_urrutia not really sure about launch date. What do you mean by launching soon teaser or link to follow? Something to add to my website?
Kacper Golinski
@olatz_urrutia Okey, now I know what's that. I scheduled a launch and created teaser (still waiting for a review) https://www.producthunt.com/prod... Thanks!
Olatz Urrutia
@caspg_ I can see it now, followed! I'd appreciate you following us too if you can. Good luck on the launch :)
Alexander Chernikov
Closely is having a Launch in a few weeks :)
Olatz Urrutia
@alexander_chernikov1 When are you planning to launch it? Do you have the launching soon teaser or the link to follow you? Good luck on the launch :)
Alexander Chernikov
@olatz_urrutia We're launching on March 10th, so that's why I don't have a fancy badge yet :) Please follow us here : https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Olatz Urrutia
@alexander_chernikov1 Okay, I can see the teaser now, followed! I'd appreciate your support too if possible :)
Mark Stephenson
We'll be launching a chrome extension called Design Sidekick very soon, hope you check it out! https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Olatz Urrutia
@mste Followed! I'd appreciate if you can follow us back :) When are you planning to launch it?
Mark Stephenson
@olatz_urrutia will do! we launched today, let us know what you think https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Olatz Urrutia
@boraoztunc Followed! When are you launching?
@olatz_urrutia Thanks. Olatz, we rescheduled for Friday, but this was the second time. First we had couple of issues and fixed them while beta testing, now waiting for Google Auth app verification. When do you think best days to launch?
Olatz Urrutia
@boraoztunc I guess it depends on your strategy, depending on the support you plan to get check the traffic of each day. Friday could be a good day! Let us know to support you :) Also you can contact me here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/olat...
Sergey Potikhanov
We'll be launching a life calendar that uses Product Hunt's API to display data in a week or two 🙃
I will! And I am very exited to share you my video game! :D
Hey @olatz_urrutia, I am exploring PH and want to figure out how I can contribute to the community and also introduce our projects. I think that one of them will be ready in 2-3 weeks. I would be happy to connect :)