Amy Williamson

Why are we all reinventing wheels?

Being a startup founder and trying to disrupt an industry with design and ease of use, I feel like every founder these days is just adding minor tweaks to products that already exist. Look at buffer and Hootsuite. Don't you think it feels pointless? I'm not pointing fingers — I do the same thing. Waiting for a truly unique idea might be a long, long wait. So, serious question, what's the point? Why do we keep reinventing wheels? Is it just about making some money and having freedom? Or do you actually feel that these tweaks will make life easier for users?

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Well in most industries that's what happens. There's an initial set of disruptive innovations and then after that it's all incremental. Nothing wrong with it, and in say the Twitter tools market it's more that big enough to have lots of variations.
Andrew Isherwood
Sometimes it's about incremental improvements where someone has a unique insight into how some product changes could make it better. But yeah, other times it's about making money via acquiring market share.
Umer Jamil
The competition has alleviated so much that 1 or 2 out of 50 ideas seem to be actually creative. But it does not mean that you cannot drive a successful lead when working on a kind of product that already exists in the market. Sometimes, a minute improvisation seems to be very attractive to the users. In reality, this can lead you to find the exact potential buyers.