Why did you Launch on Product Hunt?

What did you think you'd get from it? Or did you just follow what everyone else is doing?

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Sven Radavics
I'm about to - will come back after the event.
Karthik Tatikonda
To get more exposure and sales to my product. What about you Maxwell?
@karthik_tatikonda I am to launch soon, but my main reason is that I just love the platform
Silvi Hambardzumyan
So people know about our product. To find users or people with whom we can talk and gain feedback, to find PMF.
@silvi_hambardzumian It's a great way to build awareness
After years of lurking on PH, this became something on my bucket list 😇 And ofc the big audience for exposure, and the social proof you can add to your product with (hopefully) a nice badge at the end of the day 🙂
Doğu Gül
It is possible to find people who can understand your product. Also, you can get feedbacks and thoughts from them to improve the product.
it's a brilliant platform to find your lead users :')