Meeting such demands in whatever manner feasible should be your top priority for consumers. Reaching out to clients to discover what they require can be beneficial. Because if you meet these standards, your company will be able to exist for a long time with your goods.
My take: it won't survive until your MVP/real usable version, and after that, the improvements to the product are far less important than everything else.
Its not like you always have to have a product to run a business. We at Devs Core, are both a service-oriented and product-oriented software company. From the beginning of our journey we are providing custom website, app, software development services to various businesses. We didn't have any of our own products at first. Then after saving a little bit, we started to work on our own product and launched it successfully. Now we are doing both.
If you look into resellers they don't own a product but still they make business.
Many businesses are selling things made by someone else they do survive.
Professional Services like software development, consultancies use brain as their product rather than having a physical one.