Keith Horwood - The online code editor for building APIs in a single click. is an in-browser code editor — an embeddable development environment for easily building APIs, webhooks, and workflow automation tasks that run atop the StdLib serverless platform.

Write code, click run, and we handle the rest: host your code, build your documentation, and give you everything else you need for an Enterprise-quality API.

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Hugo Villain
Hello Keith, congrats for the launch! Quick questions: do you plan to add scheduling abilities to the code editor? Also, could you add the ability to comment multiple lines? That's really frustrating and common to all online code editors I've been trying out like Auth0 extend 🙊
Keith Horwood
@hypervillain scheduling is only available via the command line right now, but we have it on the editor roadmap. I’ll look into adding multi-line commenting today. Give me a few hours :). Command + right bracket sufficient?
Keith Horwood
@hypervillain OK! Thanks for the feedback, we love listening to our developers and community. It took about 45 minutes, but I've added multi-line commenting as well as multi-line tab and tab reduction. Both tab and CMD+] is multi-line tab, Shift+Tab and CMD+[ are multi-line tab reduction, and I've added CMD+/ for multi-line commenting as you asked for. Try them out on (Loads a sample project.) Hope you enjoy! Let me know if you run into any issues. :)
Keith Horwood
@hypervillain No problem! Fun fact: is itself running as a serverless API on StdLib (we have endpoints that generate the HTML/JS/CSS). So our development and iteration speed is ultra-fast. You can actually build on :)
Keith Horwood
Hey everyone! Founder and CEO of StdLib here. Really excited to announce our new product,, and kick it off with *another* exciting announcement --- we've raised an additional $2M in financing from Stripe! Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback, we're really excited to see what you build.
Edwin Klesman
@keithwhor this looks awesome! Thanks for letting me find out about StdLib AND providing a cool in browser interface 🙌🏻. Top knotch *cracks knuckles* 👨🏻‍💻🔥🔥
Keith Horwood
@eekayonline We do what we can. :) Hope you enjoy!
Glenn Gillen
This is incredible! Great job to the whole team. I’ve never seen an easier way to build an API. The fact that it automatically comes with a fully managed and auto scaling deployment and the most beautiful docs is just 🤯😍
Keith Horwood
@glenngillen Thanks Glenn! We're super thrilled to be able to work towards making APIs more accessible (and composable!) for everybody. :)
Hi Keith, is there command line on this service?
Keith Horwood
@anwarmuhamat Yep! is intended for developers to easily build APIs atop the StdLib serverless platform ( --- but for veterans who want a more customized experience, they can check out our command line tooling at :)
Ellen Blaine

This is the best online code editor I've ever seen! Clearly a ton of thought and time went into it. :) Really nice way for me to quickly try out stdlib!

And I imagine it's great for new developers and less technical people that could get discouraged with the headache of local development. Myself included.


Really cool and intuitive UI, easy token authentication, zero overhead


Templates need descriptions so I know what they do

Sven Kadak
Is that some sort of a custom code editor you're using? From inspection it doesn't seem to be CodeMirror nor Ace editor.
Sven Kadak
@notoriaga1 Just curious: what was the reason that made you guys build a custom one instead of using something like CodeMirror or Ace?
Keith Horwood
@notoriaga1 @kadfak Mostly the desire to be able to move faster atop our own implementation combined with the fact that the CodeMirror package is a little unwieldy for the custom features we wanted to add. Browsers have improved drastically since CodeMirror first shipped. Our entire JS package size for is less than that of CodeMirror; and the rendering engine is a fraction of that.
Sven Kadak
@notoriaga1 @keithwhor Thanks for the insight! You've done a very good job on the editor. And congratulations on the launch!
Ives van Hoorne
@notoriaga1 @kadfak @keithwhor That's so cool! Are you planning to open source the editor one day?
Keith Horwood
@notoriaga1 @kadfak @ivesvh thanks Ives, what you're doing with CodeSandbox is awesome! I'd love to, the editor component itself is fairly modular and reliant on a few custom classes (FileSystem, FileData objects) that we could open source. I got my start in open source, and the project that kickstarted Standard Library is an OSS API framework I wrote a couple years ago ( The team is pretty strapped for resources, though. We have a *lot* of work to do making APIs more accessible to a general audience and not enough people to do all of the work! Can we pry you from Facebook? 😏😅
Alex Clever
Hello Keith. Glad to see you here. Is this worked only to stdlib?
Keith Horwood
@axclever Hey Alex, yeah, it deploys to the StdLib serverless platform exclusively. :)
Edwin Arbus
This looks amazing! 🙌
Brayden Girard
This looks awesome trying it out now! Can I ask what theme the editor is using?
Keith Horwood
@braydengirard It's a custom theme modelled (somewhat) after GitHub's Atom. I think the default theme. We only have a few colors on the palette and it'll be pretty easy to allow developers to customize themes --- we just have to decide how we want to implement it. :) Stay tuned for that!
How do you convert an existing api created using express js to stdlib?
Keith Horwood
@ishu3101 We don't have a tool for this as it stands but it's something we're exploring. We'll keep you updated!
@keithwhor In the meantime until such tool becomes available, is there a guide on how to convert your existing api created using express js to stdlib?
Keith Horwood
@ishu3101 I've spoken to our Developer Advocacy team and you'll have one soon. :)
Calum Gathergood
I'm impressed so far, nice work everyone involved! Its a great product :) what are the options for storage? Or will I have to roll my own DB?
Keith Horwood
@cgathergood Right now we don't provide a data layer, we recommend If you register a db (you need a connection string) you can use the following source (template) as a code example:
Daniel Hanover
TypeScript support?
Keith Horwood
@danielmhanover Hey Daniel! No TypeScript, we only support JavaScript (run Node 8 and have support for Node 10), but our API gateway has built-in type safety mechanisms. You can define your parameter types based on our FaaSlang specification: :)
Phuc Nguyen
So nice!
Carlos Herrera
AMAZING. This is the tool I needed for a mvp I want to create. Great, just great.
Keith Horwood
@carlosherrera Thank you! Let us know if you need any help.
Ola Popoola
Wow! Incredibly useful tool. I just love this product. I'm on-board already!!!! People like you guys make development fun. Thanks for this.
Keith Horwood
@jesuskidz Very kind words. Building the editor has been a ton of fun for us as well.