Charley Miller

OrgVitals - Analytics to understand employees, collaboration and culture

OrgVitals provides people and culture analytics for growing companies. Turnkey and affordable, OrgVitals takes proven research (IP from the University of Louisville) and runs pulse surveys to understand the culture and how employees feel and collaborate.

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Charley Miller
When we were scaling Touchcast with a remote team in 7 time zones, there was no way for us to track how our company was doing in terms of cultivating the culture. A main reason I started Unitonomy, the makers behind OrgVitals, was to offer an affordable and easy-to-use system that would help someone like me be a good listener so that I know how people feel and how the culture is developing. I discovered the incredible research of Dr. Brad Shuck at the University of Louisville that solved how to ask as few questions as possible to understand employee engagement. Unitonomy licensed this IP for OrgVitals. Together with Dr. Shuck, we developed assessments to understand collaboration and culture, while digging deeper into the employee experience (with a focus on remote work and how employees feel connected to each other and the work). Unique to OrgVitals is how we look at collaboration. Inspired by advanced analytics in sports (our green and gold colors are a hat tip to the Oakland A's and Billy Beane), OrgVitals maps collaboration in a network map and assesses how colleagues perform as a collaborators (instead of focusing on performance in the silo of the individual). We hope you'll try it with your team to learn about your team! ps: there's a Slack integration if you want the pulse survey to run inside Slack.
Shane Howard
Dr Shuck is big time! Been following this venture and excited to see where it goes!