Getslash Co
Get more done than ever before.
Jordan Lejuwaan
Slash — A productivity machine that forces you to do tasks 1-by-1
Slash is a new type of to do app that actually helps you get things done VS just make lists. Add your tasks, hit 'Start' to enter hyper focus mode, and never leave flow-state. Level up with Pomodoros, Eisenhower Matrix sorting, time-based tasks + more.
Xander Schultz
Love it so far. we all get lost in being busy while losing priority. This app is perfect at keeping you focused. It also does a great job rewarding you for accomplishments.
Bjorn Larsen
How and why is it 277.5 MB?
Jordan Lejuwaan
@bjorn Electron makes very large apps bc they build in the entire Chrome browser
Gezim Hoxha
Interesting idea. Not ready. Couldn't add tasks or figure out how to start one.
Matt Cyrankiewicz
@happygezim what happened when you tried to add a task?
Gezim Hoxha
@bootl It creates a "new line" when I hit enter after entering text but I can't seem to do much after it. Tried it again and seems to work better. I had brackets () in my task...wonder if that's it.
Gezim Hoxha
It won't let me sign up. I'm getting a 500. Not great to force a signup experience right of the bat.
Matt Cyrankiewicz
@happygezim traffic crashed our server temporarily, but we scaled it up so this should not happen anymore :)
Jordan Lejuwaan
We created Slash after realizing that todo list apps are hopelessly broken. They're great at making lists, but offer you no help in crossing them off. In fact, they often create even more stress when you're staring at a list 100 items longs. Slash is a task "do-er" that helps you CRUSH your list by focusing on one task at a time. Quickly enter your tasks, hit 'Start', and the window shrinks down to a small always-on-top window that shows your current task and how long you've been working on it. When you're done, hover over the task name and click 'Done'. Then you get a random "You're awesome" GIF, and the option to start the next task, or take a break. The idea is that you create your list once in the morning, and then never have to choose what to do next. It also bakes in a ton of other productivity tools like: - Pomodoros (20-30 minute work periods with 5 minute breaks) - Eisenhower Matrix (Tagging tasks as urgent/important for automatic prioritisation) - Timed Tasks (Type in 'Do _______ for 20 minutes' and the task will start with a 20 minute countdown) - Time Tracking (Check out the analytics dashboard to see what you spent the most time on, your most productive days + hours, etc) - Integrations with Trello, Asana, Todoist, etc. -- Coming soon! (Import your tasks from a list app, and get them done in Slash) Our mission is to help people get more done, and actually move closer to their dreams. We'd love your feedback to help us better the app and enable a world of smaller todo lists :)
João Alexandre ツ
@jlejuwaan Can you ping me when you guys release it on Windows? Thanks.
Kyle Conarro
Looks cool! Aside: looks like your "roadmap" link is broken (goes to, which I assume is your old name?)
Matt Cyrankiewicz
@conarro Hi Nolt is a tool where you can add your suggestions, requests and track progress with some ongoing tasks! It's pretty high level though, we'll add more as we go - and please add your suggestions too ⚡️
Jordan Lejuwaan
@conarro fixed :)
Kyle Conarro
@bootl Yeah I'm familiar! It was just pointing to the wrong subdomain I think. Hope the launch went well!
Luke Seeley
In-depth productivity stats 🤦‍♀️
Jordan Lejuwaan
@lukees Ha, I get your skepticism. I actually find the stats to be pretty useful, and they give stats that almost no other app can give. Like your most productive days / hours, which projects you spend the most time on, etc. If you have ideas for other things we can track, let us know! Also, we're excited by allowing you to compare yourself to the broader community to see how productive you are compared to your peers :)
Wilco de Kreij
Love the idea, but it's still buggy at this point. Some issues I had so far: 1) Unable to create an account on the first 5 attempts (showed an error) 2) Not able to add more than 1 task (not fixed yet) 3) After a reboot and opening it up again, it's stuck on the loading screen for 2-3 minutes before it opens the app. This is on a 2015 iMac with 32GB Ram on the latest version of OS X Catalina. The fact that such a small app is 80MB to download gave a way a clue that it's not ready for public adoption yet, I'd say. I love the idea, though! So will check again later to see whether the issues have been resolved.
Jordan Lejuwaan
@emarky That's all fixed now :)
Wilco de Kreij
Love the idea, but it seems it's not quite finished yet. It's showing a "you're offline" error when signing up. After clicking 6-7 times it suddenly worked. Once I'm in, it's only possible to add 1 task. I like the idea though, so will check again in a few days once the bugs have been ironed out :)
Carl Martin
Can't register 😭 Internal server error or User already exists. Any ideas?
Jordan Lejuwaan
@carlmartin That's fixed now!
Mike Hosseini
@jlejuwaan Your signup page doesn't work for me (tried a couple of browsers) Sorry found no support page or twitter to send this message!
Kevin Mitchell
Invite code if needed, extra tasks for both: 12bclLKD
Tomas Hertus
I must be doing something wrong or there is a bug. When I try to create a new task, I can type in the task name and when I hit Enter, nothing is happening. macOS Sierra 10.12.6
Jordan Lejuwaan
@tomashertus You're the second reporter of this issue, so it's not just you. Can you try restarting the app? If that doesn't work, a screencast video would be super helpful!
Surjith S M
Waiting for Windows / Chrome version
Dima Dewinn
Great job, looking forward to getting more done with it!
Shane Wasley
Great job @jlejuwaan, this app is providing a lot of features I was looking for in one package and I'm thankful for your effort. The one frustrating/annoying part of my experience so far is entering in the Eisenhower matrix details (important/urgent/difficult). It feels like extra work after a very smooth and easy experience entering tasks into the list. Have you considered other options for how users could select the Eisenhower details?
@jlejuwaan Just a suggestion, to add in the Google Play link as well to this product listing, I had to look for it on the site, just a small barrier to entry to Mac desktop users who use Android as their mobile OS. Looks like this fulfils one of my biggest issues with Notion and other task managers!
Jordan Lejuwaan
@amstb1 Hey Anton! Thanks for the suggestion. We thought about this and decided not to because people need to sign up via the Desktop app. The mobile apps are very simplified companion apps with much less functionality.
Anthony Lee
Yet another todo app! I like this one though, simple and elegant. It would be nice if this works with Siri.
Dima Braven
Looks interesting!
Trevor Owens
Looks awesome! Curious is the app native (Swift) or is it built on electron/javascript?
Jordan Lejuwaan
@to It's Electron + Vue