The home of gifs
Andy Hin
Giphy Capture β€” Turn anything on your screen into a GIF!
Niv Dror
So glad this launched!! @Giphy capture is the single best tool for live-GIFing live events, as used by us during the Tesla Model 3 Event last week. cc @TheJulieLogan πŸ€— (documented on Medium) https://medium.com/p/cf120f7946c...
Gabriel Lewis
@nivo0o0 I know you are excited about this! I have been using GIF Brewery. While it is great it, sometimes it seems a little to complex for a simple GIF. Hopefully this will be easier to use. 😎
Tamas Szakal
@gabriel__lewis @nivo0o0 compared to GIF Brewery this is really easy! Very few settings, great quality. Thanks for sharing this!
@gabriel__lewis @nivo0o0 have you played around with it a bit? What do you think?
Jenny Shen
I just tried it. So easy to use, love it!!
Mike Bracco
Really cool and simple to use. I'd love to have presets for Twitter/Buffer etc..when saving to ensure they play on the network I'm posting to. :)
Christian Montoya
This looks way better than any of the other GIF capture tools I've used
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Wish I had this last night! https://twitter.com/chrismessina...
@chrismessina that's amazing πŸ‘πŸ»
John Clover
I'm a huge fan of GifGrabber: http://www.gifgrabber.com/beta – so cool to see this picked up by Giphy!
Tao Ni
Finally, something we've been waiting forever!
Divyansh Patel
Till now I used Licecap. But excited to try this out! πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ’―
Marcel Panse
Just tried it and it doesn't capture my mouse cursor. Intentionally or a bug? - It makes is useless for product demo's though without a mouse cursor since you cannot show what you are clicking... Btw, I'm using licecap to do the same thing, but then have to use other tools to optimize/edit the gif, having it in one tool would sure be nice.
Sydney Liu
O.M.G. yes
Fred Rivett
This is great, definitely going to be my go to GIF creator from now on. One minor tweak that would be nice, currently I can't see an option to remove this from the dock but keep it in the menubar, which means I won't leave it open and only open when necessary. Other than that, this is great
Mike Taylor
I was excited, but there seems to be a time limit - or, maybe it's just unexpectedly stopping during recording. Kind of a deal killer. I was hoping to save offline gifs for product demos!
Raul Tiru
Love it! This has so many purposes
Ananggadipa Raswanto
I usually use licecap (http://www.cockos.com/licecap/) for this, but this is great. The UI are more intuitive. Please add custom FPS setting support!
Bruno Skvorc
@dipovespo same. Licecap for years now. Multiplatform, and a load of settings offered out of the box. Don't see the appeal of this, other than a prettier UI
Ananggadipa Raswanto
@bitfalls another feature I miss is 3 second countdown timer, exact (numeric input) pixel size, and shortcut for start and stop recording.
Ilya Sachev
@dipovespo hey! Check this out - https://www.producthunt.com/tech.... There are already FPS support and UI also very clean and intuitive :)
Deekshith Allamaneni
Does it not record GIFs over 15 seconds? I see it stops recording at 15 seconds. And the preferences section has no preferences but rather asks to login. I like the idea. I liked recordit which was published on PH some time ago but it is not free.
Derek Nuzum
Igor Gorbenko
I'm a huge fan of Giphy. Great job on making another cool product, you guys a re kings of this stuff.
Pierce Lohman
It is an awesome tool :) Use if for depicting the trips of a chocolat rabbit in Paris ^^ : https://www.instagram.com/pierce...
Deepak Sharma
This is @Giphy 'ngly Good !
Jake Tran
Why Windows being left out? I am disappointed