The home of gifs
GIPHY for iMessage — The easiest way to share all the GIFs in all your txts

Ben Tossell
well, of course...
What a brilliant idea....love it!!!
David Feng
This is going to open a while new realm of awesome. Nice job!
Evan Morris
Is this working for everyone? I just get the logo icon and it never loads anything. There are a couple iMessage apps that are doing this for me. Can't figure it out. **Edit: I uninstalled the GIPHY app then reinstalled it and it worked. The same can't be said for some of the other iMessage apps that I have. **
Ari Litan
@evancmorris same happening here with most of my iMessage apps. Let me know if you figure how to fix
Jared Halpern
@arilitan @evancmorris Hey! Thanks for checking out GIPHY for iMessage. If you're having this issue, try deleting the GIPHY app (the main search app, not the iMessage App) and reinstalling. Then give it a second to load for the first time. As Evan mentioned, this issue seems to happen with a few iMessage Apps. Hope this helps!
Dre Durr💡
I thought that Gboard and ios10 already used the Giphy API
Jared Halpern
@dredurr Yes, GBoard and #images pull from GIPHY.
Taylor Nikolai
Well yeah
Yosub Kim
Becky Dole
holler mode 5,000
Jared Halpern
Tomi Ferraro
rad. just rad.
Jason Clarke
hey wow very cool i like a lot!
Dmitry Voitekh
love it!